
The Network TV and internet will become the mainstream media and information dissemination. At present, We can watch the latest program from internet at any time without need to follow the television program schedule or spend extra money to buy DVDs or VCRs. This means the network TV and internet will replace the old antenna and cable TV as the most effective way for advertising.

Did your product or company have the internet advertisment yet?

Everytime during the TV advertisement break, what were you or your family doing? Bathroom? Laundry?

Have you ever thought that you pay for expensive advertising costs for your company, but only in exchange for your TV advertisment to be the alarm for bathroom to the audience? Do you wants your store or products can really be attracted to customers from advertising?

We post advertising banner or label during our program. Your product or store will become part of the story in our video. When the audience are enjoying the show, they will also remember your store and product.

To learn more about our advertising production and publicity strategy, please contact us.

E Mail:

The audience can watch our channel from YouTube. YouTube Search: NowFilmingcom

Except in special cases, all videos are recorded in HD quality. To bring the high-quality visual enjoyment to the audience.

We are currently preparing for the New YouTube movies.

we are currently recruiting volunteers who is insterested in filmmaking, please leave a message on the YouTube channel or Email

Advertising Examples:

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